minimize disruption due to natural
disasters we have chosen to host the
QuIC system database and software
on a commercial server provider located
in Arizona, far away from hurricanes,
snowstorms, floods and earthquakes.
At the fall UNOLS Research Vessel
Technical Enhancement Committee meeting
MTG made a presentation describing
the attributes of the system. As a
result the University of Alaska, the
University of Hawaii, and the University
of Washington expressed their desire
to use the QuIC system.
Proposed schedule:
March 2006: QuIC proposal approval
by NSF
April –
beginning of June 2006: Modification
of existing system.
June – first part of July 2006:
Installation and troubleshooting of
the QuIC system on remote server.
July – August 2006: Delivery
of the system to participating users.
September 2006: feedback review.
October 2006: planning and implementation
of changes, based on received reviews.