To complete the search
in the inventory please locate the
on the left upper side of the inventory
screen. The top line allows you to
type item ID # (if it’s available).
Or you can select the following search
Select “Type” (Sensor,
Devices, Software….)
Select "Manufactures".
Select “Location” where
you want to search.
Select “Order By” to organize
your search.
Press Search button to complete the
search or add additional search fields
Each search can be “Saved as”
a separate tab to keep this search
on the screen and complete another
one. This function does not save the
search results to the HD.
The following search operators can
be used when typing your search criteria:
“=”, “IN”,
“>”, “<”.
Depending on the search field type,
the search operators can be different.
- Operator “IN” allows
selecting multiple records where field
value is exact match of
one of specified comma-delimited values.
- Operator “BETWEEN” allows
selecting records where field value
is between two specified comma-delimited
- Operators “ISNULL” or
“NOTNULL” allow searching
on fields that are/aren’t empty.
- Operator “LIKE” allows
selecting rows that contain specified
If you don’t specify operator
or use operator “=”, this
means you are searching for exact
match. This operator can be used with
any field type.
The results will appear in different
For sensors for example:
-Red is for the sensors with expired
calibration cycle;
-Olive is for ones which 30 days or
less before expiration,
-Blue is for sensors which have 30
or more days before end of calibration
If you click on any number in the
MTGID column, the new window will
open. In this window you will see
information about the item you selected.
The tabs on the top of this window
allow you to view "logs"
- historical records about this item
written by users and documents - usually
the manuals and calibration sheets.
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